Who Even Am I?

Ever wondered —“why do I feel so different, so disoriented after baby?” Or- “Who am I now that I have this tiny human attached to me?”. Am I even a Mom?

There are so many changes that happen both internally and externally postpartum. You may be noticing or experiencing them now! While there is still soooo much to learn and uncover about the parental brain, acknowledging the changes that you feel postpartum can be incredibly soothing and validating. If you’re a new parent craving support and insights into this experience, we’ve got just the place for you!

Our Mini is a 3 week session where we’ll guide you through the latest understandings of the parental brain, and how this affects our nervous system and overall postpartum experience.

Here’s what we cover:

  • Learn coping strategies to help adjust to some of these shifts

  • A supportive virtual group setting with like- minded individuals who truly understand

  • Empathetic support and validation

  • Expert led discussions focusing on helping you understand YOUR experience

  • Connection with a diverse group of parents, building a network that extends beyond the group.

  • An opportunity to witness the power of community and strength that comes from gaining knowledge and supporting one another

Our identities as new parents evolve over a number of years. Starting with shifts in our physical body and brain matter. In fact, mother’s experience a significant developmental milestone called ‘Matrescence’. To learn more about what ‘Matrescence’ is all about, check out this TedTalk from thought leader, Dr. Alexandra Sacks.


What is 'matrescence' and why does it matter?


You’ve already heard it: The problem isn’t to sleep train or not, it’s an issue of support.